No Place for Bravery
Embark on a gritty quest through a war-torn world, seeking redemption and confronting harrowing moral dilemmas.

Where the idea came from
The whole idea behind the game was surely from some of the our main developers. He was just visiting his sister’s house when he came across her son playing the old legendary game GTA SAN Andreas, and yes it’s still one of the most popular video games downloaded and played online all across the world, it has been recently added to Steemit GTA San spanish game page where it could be downloaded in spanish (he’s a spanish speaking guy). From there, and standing behind the little kid, he imagined a similar idea of the game battles, but in 2D and different style for the RPG lovers (so he was), and voila!
Of course, that was just another random idea, but it was the milestone for the developing of our game. After too many discussions and changes, No Place for Bravery was born and became available to you to play.
Brutal Sekiro-Esque 2D Combat
The game will focus on parries and fast-paced combat. Making mistakes will be punishing and you’ll experience a lingering sense of fragility while facing the dangers of Bravery’s world.
Not About Heroes
Thorn, a retired warrior plagued by nightmares, stumbles on an opportunity for redemption after finding clues to his daughter’s disappearance from long ago. With the company of his disabled foster son, Phid, it will be up to the player to decide how far Thorn will go, not only to rescue his daughter but also to fulfill his ambitions.
Based on Real Life Stories
Thorn, a retired warrior plagued by nightmares, stumbles on an opportunity for redemption after finding clues to his daughter’s disappearance from long ago. With the company of his disabled foster son, Phid, it will be up to the player to decide how far Thorn will go, not only to rescue his daughter but also to fulfill his ambitions.
Wretchdness Awaits
Thorn is a competent warrior in a world where people like him perish all the time. Under your control, Thorn will have the capacity to kill and survive from the word go, but you should expect to find Thorn’s fragility starkly reflected in your own series of likely defeats.
Always Visual
The story of Bravery carries a strong message on the role of parental figures and the consequences of their choices in a troubled world. This message is informed by the developers’ personal life experiences, and the game aims to impart these real, resonant feelings with competence and depth.